Monday, September 8, 2008

If US votes in McBush its SAME as always, torture,no taxes 4 RICH or corp. taking jobs away+WAR,etc!
Hey! W/ I just posted 2 my other networks! Thanks Ariane! @
Don't forget I have free coloring pages & letter from the tooth fairy on my website: -Kathy

Sunday, February 25, 2007

A Sea Horse and a Whimsical Angel

Fairies and Sea Horses take me away
I cherish their magic.
I whisper prayers
I thank whimsical angels
I fold up all my old letters
sometimes cry I suppose.

Everyone has a story to tell
prison robes felt
rainbow that came after the rain
I cradle mine
and listen to yours.

I search out my song
listen to silence when needed.

I place a fence around my garden
my garden that is me.
I let in what will cause my garden to grow.
I think of of the times I failed
saw wilted stones
tossed them into a lake
skipped time
skipped me.

Gentle flowers sing.
They leave a delicate fragrance
they dance when the wind is right.
I prop them with a stick and gentle cords
they await my compliant sighs.

I cannot swim in this sea
close the wrong doors
open the right ones
decipher my worth here
and yet
I hear those flowers panting.

I write about fairies
whimsical angels
musicians of the heart
I post their pictures high.
I hope that I can still reach them later
when later arrives.

I get tired of hearing of dead robins
and yet
I cannot help but run to their rescue.
I feel their last breath
hold their fate
and mine
I can only sigh at theirs.
I cry for them.

I drew a sea horse.
I will mount it and it will take me home.
I will gather all the roses
and dead robins in the yard.
All the angels and fairies will meet me
past that last star
no longer bleeding.
I will wrap up wounds
with ribbons and bows
and we will leave them there.

Friday, February 9, 2007 FREE ART GIFTS on my website

"Dark Fantasy Art|Fantasy Art Wallpaper"

Dark fantasy art
fantasy art wallpaper.
I step out onto the dust
feel it touch my sins.
I know its time to move forward.
I thrive in the mystery of what can be.
I fold up all the symptoms of regret.
I see its torment.
I speak wisely to myself
and yet
I know myself too well.
I will stand before my paintings
brush in hand
ready for the strokes
I touch another dimension
I hold its mystery.
I sing to the music
hear its intrusion
it soaks up discontent.
I wipe my brow
I take cotton
wipe the blood away.
Dark fantasy art
fantasy art wallpaper.

I struggle unwisely at times.
No way to move past corners.
I wake up to what could be
host it all with coffee.
I sit and plan my stride.
I reach inside my pocket
full of lint.
'Stop it!"
I say.
Stop all the disbelief
and contend with unpainted canvases.
They wait
they decide my fate if I let them.
I coat myself with vinegar and soap
I will wash away these nightmares
three times.
Oh and yet no
toss and turn
who will I be today?
Dark fantasy art
fantasy art wallpaper.

Blankets cover up potential
sure things.
Sentimental musings
untidy kitchen
blinded by the knowledge
of well meant affirmations.
Clearly I am allowed
allow myself
to come into a vision.
Yes, I sigh
despite my back and forth
troubled mind
at times.
All is well.
That is what I choose for this moment
that is all I need to see.
Paint on I tell myself.
Dream and make glitter out of nonsense.
Retreat to where I know I am magic.
Dark fantasy art
fantasy art wallpaper.

9 February 2007
Kathy Ostman-Magnusen

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Kathy Ostman-Magnusen Free Gifts click here

This tiny angel
she must be
who flies through the air
with Daddy's care

Oh Daddy's I hope you know how important you are to your tiny angels.

Monday, January 1, 2007

Tiny Angels and New Years Resolutions

Tiny Angels That Bleed and This Journey Called Life, I Write My New Years Resolutions

This journey
life its called
this karma free for all
back and forth a saviors hell
attempts to speak to tiny angels.

In the lore
place mats on my table
protect the meal from wear.
Understood circumferences
back and forth
never ends.
Perhaps that's the plan after all?

I write my journey
keep track of all those notes.
Plans for the future
watch ocean tides
chances for revival
blossoms on a tree.
I see tomorrow and me.

I spread my wings
fairy dust does coat each stroke
miracles tied
ever so cleverly
with a shipping vessels ropes.

Pelted with regret at times
meeting too much definition.
Keep it still
float that boat
lift up my sail
bitter past
bitter note.
Lift up that sail
now, tomorrow and me.

Tiny angels that bleed
Angels never used to fall.
One fairy stood her ground
she stayed for me.

Gathered ideas
posted their lessons
weighed claims.
Rolled up useless
stored it anyway.

Each trial she met
an architects drawing
have to understand perspective
or buildings will fail.
I feel the edges
I scream that dream
so I can hear it.
Decode its secrets.

Five bottles left
they contain my rhythm
define the borders
at all cost.

Past rules and decisions
I define my fate.
If I don't watch myself
I will walk all over
stomp in the ground
that designated pathway
without a humble sound.

Hope in the seeing
sameness as an enemy
dig out those worn down pathways
dusty plans
redesign their voices
hear them clear
and every single day
reject their fading dots.